Monday, May 30, 2011

wallpaper graphic design

wallpaper graphic design. Graphic Design Wallpaper
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  • xPismo
    Aug 15, 02:58 PM
    Progress is good, but I don't see any killer apps which will make me upgrade day 1. This might change, but really 10.4 does everything I need it to do so far.

    I guess my pro apps will probably force me to upgrade at some point.

    Does anyone else get a kitten ichat image with the third spotlight image? Is that a new feature? (/me missed something.)

    [edit] ah I get it now. That image should have some context around it... its a preview image in spotlight... maybe I' slow today. :)

    wallpaper graphic design. Wallpaper graphic design
  • Wallpaper graphic design

  • MowingDevil
    Apr 29, 03:10 PM
    Apple pays 70% straight to the record companies, which would be $0.90. If Amazon pays the same, then they have $0.21 loss before they even start. Or Amazon gets different prices than Apple, which would need some explaining.

    My thoughts exactly. Reeks of collusion and I could see lawsuits flying over this.

    wallpaper graphic design. graphic design wallpaper
  • graphic design wallpaper

  • aswitcher
    Jul 25, 05:39 AM
    The existing iPods already are lickable, though the 3rd gen controls are a little more convenient than the click wheel and button interfaces. Feel free to take my word on this, and if you feel the need to confirm, remember that it's probably rude in most places to lick someone else's iPod without asking nicely first.

    Ok, now I need to see all that in a silhouette Apple add.

    wallpaper graphic design. Home gt; Graphic Design
  • Home gt; Graphic Design

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 22, 04:56 PM
    ya no,

    any rumors on hspa+?

    The Gobi chip in the verizon iphone 4 supports it. If they use that for a universal iphone 5, the question is whether apple/at&t enables it.

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  • wallpaper 3 jpg graphic design

  • Sky Blue
    Apr 15, 01:18 PM
    Hope iCal has a de-uglify option.

    wallpaper graphic design. Graphic design portfolio
  • Graphic design portfolio

  • vtran
    Nov 29, 03:52 PM
    my christmas wishlist 2010

    this is what i want
    soo ready for an upgrade from the 1st gen ipod touch

    backup for movies and pictures just case anything happens

    a 32inch tv lcd or led

    what i really need:
    -new house to come through for my family because we've waited for like 6 months to hear back
    -clothes from american eagle, forever21, H&M, urban outfitters, and etc...

    most importantly
    -to spend the holidays/any time off from school with my family & friends but especially my bestfriend that moved away this week

    wallpaper graphic design. effectual graphic design
  • effectual graphic design

  • ZoomZoomZoom
    Aug 19, 08:38 AM
    What is with all the pop up warning on safari. Warning you have tabs open do you want to quit? Warning, you have text if field do you want to quit? You know what? I don't press apple-q on accident, in fact I'd say you'd have to do that on purpose. All these pop-up and confirms, well I fear it's become more windows like if you will. Pretty soon no one will read the things. I sure hope you can turn the things off, or hope they change it.

    For those who remember, when apple had an early release or beta of OS X, they put the apple logo right in the middle of the top bar, not to mention it did nothing and was completely non functional. Glad they didn't go with that. I'm hoping they do away with these confirm buttons

    Can't an OS be simple to use anymore?

    I welcome the pop up warning. I constantly open and close windows in tabs and what-not, and cmd-w and dangerously close to cmd-q. I've accidently hit it before, closing something like 15 tabs that I wanted to keep open. Maybe there will be a way for you to turn it off if you feel as if you don't need it.

    Taking a good look at Leopard and what's on Tiger, I think that the majority of changes are either evolutionary or not really that exciting. /yawn

    wallpaper graphic design. 3d graphic design Wallpaper
  • 3d graphic design Wallpaper

  • ucfgrad93
    Dec 29, 11:40 AM
    "Wants to be the worlds fattest woman"....enjoy your heart attack :rolleyes:

    Agreed. This woman is just sad.

    wallpaper graphic design. Design, Graphic Design
  • Design, Graphic Design

  • aiqw9182
    Apr 22, 09:23 AM
    As expected.

    wallpaper graphic design. This beautiful wallpaper
  • This beautiful wallpaper

  • TheBobcat
    Dec 1, 02:20 PM
    I think Apple's response to this, in both its speed and thoroughness will give us some real hard data to go on as far as OSX's security.

    Because of increasing users, and the much-maligned Mac user smugness, you can rest assured that there will be an onslaught every step of the way for Apple from here on out. They need to respond quickly, and completely, with no mercy.

    wallpaper graphic design. Beautiful Cityscape Wallpaper
  • Beautiful Cityscape Wallpaper

  • Millionaire2K
    Apr 29, 03:41 PM
    it is not against the law in any way to give a different deal to someone else. Amazon bring more to the table than Apple and to add to it Apple strong arming has pissed a lot of people off and they want to break Apple strong hold.

    Exactly. Apple says they will pay 70% to the music companies. They worked out their deals with them at that rate. If another company wants to sell music, they by no means have to get the same deal as every other company selling music. It�s just nuts to think that way.

    All companies go and negotiate their own deals. Wal-Mart negotiates for most products they sell. They never say �What�s Target paying you?, we have to match that� but they might say �What�s Target paying you?, we have to BEAT that� They could end up paying more or less depending on how good the company is at negotiating. Also bigger companies with more products sold normally will get a better deal. A lot of companies would be screwed if Wal-Mart stopped carrying their products. This leverage allows Wal-Mart to work out great deals.

    Nothing is preventing Apple from reworking their deals. However no company has to change any deal unless they both agree to terms.

    Stop feeling �poor Apple� just because another company �may� have a better deal. It�s just business.

    wallpaper graphic design. Halloween Graphic Design
  • Halloween Graphic Design

  • davidgrimm
    Apr 24, 05:41 PM
    I had service with T-mob (not with an iPhone) and the only difference I noticed with ATT and T=mob was the T-mob service was WAY cheaper. Its hard to imagine that will continue if ATT buys them up.

    wallpaper graphic design. Playful typography wallpaper
  • Playful typography wallpaper

  • END3R
    Apr 22, 05:29 PM
    Looks very un-Apple to me. Yeah, same basic resemblance but I don't see the iPhone looking like that. I agree with previous posters, impossible hands-free talking without a headset. Why wouldn't they do away with a home button and make touch screen extend down further and have the full width be an area for gestures rather than that confined area shown in the horrible mock-up. Or better yet, enable the entire screen to recognize specific gestures as we've already been doing for years in apps themselves? And even like side-swipe to change to the next page of apps. Just brainstorming.

    wallpaper graphic design. graphic design, web design
  • graphic design, web design

  • Dubthedankest
    Mar 15, 11:00 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Looks like the show is over in Fashion Island folks

    The four of us up front have vouchers - no more shipments today - no other iPads today :(

    Glad you snagged one. So they only received a shipment of 5 iPads?

    wallpaper graphic design. The wallpaper of this week is
  • The wallpaper of this week is

  • Biolizard
    Apr 12, 09:29 AM
    Makes sense. The iPod is pretty much at an endgame; there's not really anything more they can do with it. Even the Nano runs something that looks like iOS now, and could run iOS in the future (hell, the AppleTV runs it, why not the Nano?). Indeed, last September's event was as much about iOS 4.1 and 4.2 as iPods as I recall.

    Additionally, Mac-philes have criticised WWDC for being all about the iPhone lately; seems like a reasonable idea to kill two birds with one stone and shift the phone to the Autumn event, which would cover all the mobile hardware, and leave WWDC to software, ensuring enough time in the keynote for both OS X and iOS.

    Moving the iPhone release to autumn could also help shift more units since it's not long before the Christmas shopping season. The initial sell-out of units in September would give way to about a month or so of calm before it all goes nuts again in November/December.

    Only drawback is the people coming off two year contracts who won't or can't go SIM-only for 3 months, though given the amounts of money people have supposedly spent on the iOS ecosystem, customers jumping ship may be less of an issue for Apple than in previous times when a phone was just a phone.

    wallpaper graphic design. any graphic design.
  • any graphic design.

  • supafly1703
    Jul 28, 10:13 AM
    I wonder if they have appropriated another $4 BILLION to blow in an effort to overtake a market leader a la XBox...

    wallpaper graphic design. Browse in Graphic Design
  • Browse in Graphic Design

  • TheReef
    Apr 5, 03:56 AM

    wallpaper graphic design. Dubai Graphic Designer,
  • Dubai Graphic Designer,

  • rjohnstone
    Sep 30, 05:04 PM
    I'd say it's more of a yes and no on AT&T quality.
    While their service may be spotty in certain locations, the iPhone doesn't exactly have the most stellar antenna.
    My iPhone has dropped calls in locations where my N75 (also on AT&T) has never missed a beat.

    wallpaper graphic design. inspired Design wallpaper
  • inspired Design wallpaper

  • 4God
    Jul 24, 07:09 PM
    It's about time, I'll get one the day they become available.

    May 1, 11:41 PM
    Osama is dead, so what? The U.S needed him alive.

    Apr 13, 02:29 PM
    Yeah, this is stupid! I see no reason for Apple to release their own television set.

    As a few others have mentioned, I could see Apple license iOS or AirPlay for integration int the sets manufactured by others.

    And the current generation AppleTV is more then powerful enough to support the rumored video streaming service. If Apple does release this service (low cost subscription) I will be one of the first to signup. (Good Bye crappy Hulu+).

    Apr 25, 03:15 AM
    While no one deserving to be rape or rob no matter what they are doing/ wearing and the person who did said things should be punished to the full extent of the law it does not remove a factor that some people do a very poor job and managing their risk profil.

    We can not control how others will act but we can control our risk profile and our behavior.
    Examples of managing our risk profile is saying out of bad parts of town if possible and avoid it at night. Girls avoiding wearing clothing that gets them to be a target and travel in well lite places and have a male escort.

    It is about managing the risk profile. Now if someone gets raped I am not going to blame the victim but people should try to avoid being an easy target because even though legally and morally you are complete in the write still does not remove the fact that you have to live with the results of what was done to you.

    Think about this. Lets say you get in an auto accident and T-Bone some dumb ass who ran a red light and nothing you could really do to avoid it and sad dumb ass is killed. Even though you could not do anything to avoid it you still have to live with that guilt that you killed another human being and many people that is really hard on them even though there was nothing they could of done to avoid it.

    You're well meaning Rodimus so I'll tone down my response. Do you not think it's a little misogynistic to suggest women stay under the protection of a man? I also don't think that clothing even makes all that much difference as a rapist would typically forcibly remove it anyway. I've been the victim of a few sexual assaults in the past and I wasn't dressed particularly noteworthily at the time. Though every time I go out clubbing I don't really wear much at all, yet have never had trouble walking back through leeds at 5AM.

    If I wished to take every precaution against such things happening again it would utterly devastate my social life, where do you draw the line? Personally I'd rater be an occasional victim of unwanted attention than a constant victim of my own fear.

    I do though take your point, but only upon the condition that victim blaming is utterly unacceptable in any form and that encouraging people take such precautions should never ever mean that we should stop every effort to bring such people to justice and make every effort to stop these things from happening.

    I would beat the hell out of any dude that was in the same bathroom as my daughter.

    I'm curious as to what exactly you think any such person would do exactly? You ignoring your obvious prejudice here on a pragmatic level where on earth is the harm? They'll see your daughter wash her hands? Maybe touch up some makeup?

    If someone was set on molesting your daughter they'd do it, they wouldn't dress up as a woman to make their way into the female toilets to do so, they'd just do it. Besides, do you like beating up cleaners? Plenty of female loos have male attendees.

    If you don't have a daughter, then you don't have a clue.
    I have seen some transgenders, and I have nothing to say to them.

    So, you've seen some people who fall under the very broad category of "transgender", a category that includes various people who dress as female who don't and quite rightly don't use the female loos and thus you feel entitled to judge them all out of hand, and you're not going to admit that this is anything but prejudiced bigotry. Because you've "seen some"

    I'd bet you've also seen and talked to a couple too just without knowing it. I know I have over the years only to find out later on. One of the great PR issues for transgender people is that whenever they start to blend with regular society they become invisible, though I guess with people like you around it's more of a blessing than an issue.

    the fact is nobody knows the facts ... it could have been a Man trying to disguise himself as a Woman to gain access to the Woman's washroom.

    maybe he was not a transgender and was a threat to young girls in the bathroom.

    I don't think anybody has all the facts ... he was hardly beaten to the point where this thread is labeled "almost killed"

    Not that I accept that surgery even matters but how do you expect to tell exactly? A mandatory full body scanner before entering? I'm going to refer you to my earlier question, where's the harm?

    Why on earth would a potential rapist bother "disguising" himself as a woman? I challenge you to cite a single case where this has actually occurred.

    If he still has "parts" down there ... he belongs in the Men's washroom

    Her parts are none of your business, or anyone's really.

    IMO the Men's washroom ... until he finishes with the transformation ... he is still just a cross dresser

    Ignoring the fact that she by her own omission has finished with it, even if she had not she would not be a crossdresser. There's more to sex and gender than an inny or an outy.

    Mar 11, 02:41 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A306 Safari/6531.22.7)

    I am at the Fullerton best buy and there are 4 people in line total. This is your best bet probably in orange county

    Apr 26, 12:20 PM
    Amazon is poised to pwn both Apple and Google on that one.

    If MobileMe is any indication, Apple just doesn't get cloud - if they plan on charging for it, Amazon is happy to take their business - they'll sell you plain mp3s for the boot!

    Agreed. I can foresee this being another poorly made mobileme addon which is pure crap to use if you are outside the US (due to immensely slow network connectivity from Apple's servers).

    Amazon will rule the cloud since they have been doing it for so long, and have multiple DC's in the US and Europe. Apple are at least 10 years behind here and will have a hell of a hard time getting to Amazons level.

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