Sunday, June 5, 2011

pictures of venice italy today

pictures of venice italy today. in Venice, Italy today
  • in Venice, Italy today

  • JoeG4
    Jan 18, 12:41 AM
    I don't get why Americans like bigger cars.

    So we could make you feel better about yourselves driving small cars.

    More likely: In Europe and Asia, the cities were built before cars, so they have narrower streets. In the US, some big cities were built before cars, but most were built for wagon/car/whatever traffic and since there was so much empty space, they made more room for it.

    I know, there is empty space in other countries. Got that. I also know that some people think we should live like sardines, but not having to worry about your neighbor's rowhouse catching on fire and burning yours down, or their filthy habits getting you sick is nice. It's also nice to not hear your neighbor flushing the toilet and/or what show they're watching on TV.

    Yes, I understand if you live in a 350 year old building made out of 24" thick plaster/cement/adobe walls you won't hear your neighbor. OTOH, you probably don't have to worry about the ground shaking under you.. well, you might have to worry about the volcano nearby exploding into your house or something but.. that's different right?

    Anyway, long story short, small cars fit small streets better.

    In the US, small cars aren't a necessity, and since they're cheaper to make than big cars, they tend to be sold for those who want a new car but can't afford a bigger car. Aside from the 50s/50s/70s, I don't think size was really seen as a luxury thing - right now this country is choke full of people ashamed to be considered American that would love to have a tiny, really expensive European car to show how not stereotypical fat american they are XD

    pictures of venice italy today. Venice is a city located in
  • Venice is a city located in

  • el-John-o
    Feb 9, 10:27 PM
    But see you are not leaving AT&T now, you are leaving T-Mobile.

    There are a number of att customers who find the service mediocre at best, but are willing to put up with it, verizon may be better. Still others didn't know att would be that bad but where stuck into contracts, and it worked well enough to justify waiting and not paying the termination fee. Furthermore, there are plenty of people who have no problems with att, but media hype and aggressive advertising has convinced them they do have a problem, so they will switch. I'm sticking with ATT, it has worked great for years and years for me.

    pictures of venice italy today. Hard Rock, Venice Italy
  • Hard Rock, Venice Italy

  • LethalWolfe
    Nov 12, 05:41 PM
    Just one example but Transformers 2 was cut on FCP, and that's a 250mil movie, hardly an independent one :)
    No one said FCP is only used on indie movies.


    pictures of venice italy today. of Venice Italy.
  • of Venice Italy.

  • dsn112
    Jun 23, 06:55 PM
    No. They will be selling them starting at 8am.

    Yup this is correct

    Can't sell them till there activation dept opens at 8


    pictures of venice italy today. Hotels in Italy: accommodation
  • Hotels in Italy: accommodation

  • Blu101
    Oct 16, 12:00 PM
    Grew tired of nature wallpapers so... :D (

    Hey, I clicked your link last night and got a warning: malicious website.


    I closed the tab as quick as I could - should I be worried? MBP seems to be running fine...

    pictures of venice italy today. the sun was so beautiful today!, Venice, Italy
  • the sun was so beautiful today!, Venice, Italy

  • yippy
    Mar 19, 11:24 AM
    No there is not.


    pictures of venice italy today. Venice in Flood, Venice, Italy
  • Venice in Flood, Venice, Italy

  • Mr. Gates
    Apr 21, 12:13 AM
    This is an illogical comparison and does not give us any real information to go on.


    They are comparing iOS Devices.

    I don't think RIM and all the rest should be compared to iPad and iPod touch devices.

    This is playing with the numbers.

    pictures of venice italy today. Venice, Italy. Today it is
  • Venice, Italy. Today it is

  • MrMac'n'Cheese
    Mar 27, 08:51 PM
    Funny how NC law forbids the sale of handguns to anyone under 21, but you're 21 and you already have 2 expensive guns (and the iPhone you took the photo with). And yet you have to run a racket to be able afford a guitar.

    He's probably a professional thief/conboy(hence not a man)/racketeer.

    Hence his paranoid need for self defense, he's probably scare of the poor people he's SCAMMED.


    pictures of venice italy today. in Venice, Italy today
  • in Venice, Italy today

  • NCW
    Aug 1, 03:31 PM
    what app are you all using to apply themes?

    pictures of venice italy today. in Venice, Italy today.
  • in Venice, Italy today.

  • iStudentUK
    Mar 21, 04:43 AM
    I am saying that the present UK tariff of 16 years minimum provides adequate protection for the public, and is not an attractive alternative to liberty.

    I agree, as I said a family member works for the Probation Service and I am studying law now and it has completely changed my perspective of crime/criminals.

    It is such a shame that the media/tabloids still thinks all criminals are inherently evil and spreads rubbish and incorrect headlines like "Europe says rapists must have vote" (prisoners votes recently).

    Anyway, life sentance guidlines were reviewed in 2003 and they are currently as follows-

    Whole life - two or more people killed and-
    a substantial degree of premeditation or planning,
    the abduction of the victim, or
    sexual or sadistic conduct,
    the murder of a child if involving the abduction of the child or sexual or sadistic motivation,
    a murder done for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause, or
    a murder by an offender previously convicted of murder

    30 year minimum - where the offence involves-
    the murder of a police officer or prison officer in the course of his duty,
    a murder involving the use of a firearm or explosive,
    a murder done for gain (in furtherance of robbery or burglary...),
    a murder intended to obstruct or interfere with the course of justice,
    a murder involving sexual or sadistic conduct,
    the murder of two or more persons,
    a murder that is racially or religiously aggravated or aggravated by sexual orientation, or

    15 year minimum - applies to any murder not covered by another category

    12 year minimum - applies to any murder committed by someone under the age of 18 (EDITED)

    These are guidelines, but Judges must justify deviating from them.

    Remember, these are minimum terms, all murders get a life sentence. It doesn't mean people will be released after the minimum term. As I said above, most murders in the UK did not intend to kill someone, that is not necessary for conviction here, only intent to cause GBH.

    I'm very happy with UK sentencing. Good balance between punishment and public protection. The homicide rate in the UK is very low!


    pictures of venice italy today. in Venice, Italy today
  • in Venice, Italy today

  • Melrose
    Oct 9, 07:17 AM
    Been bouncing around between these 3 for this month:

    I love me some Oscar the Grouch and Miranda Kerr!

    That's not the same Miranda Kerr who's father is Jim Kerr of Simple Minds is it? I read he had a daughter who was into acting or modeling or something, but never looked it up.

    pictures of venice italy today. that Venice, Italy,
  • that Venice, Italy,

  • sm.wilson
    May 2, 08:50 PM
    its okay to disconnect when the device removes itself from itunes, and the computer says its ok.


    pictures of venice italy today. Venice, Italy today.
  • Venice, Italy today.

  • mlomeli
    Apr 10, 11:05 PM
    Ok, so I'm a noob at this stuff...figured it out...

    pictures of venice italy today. in Venice, Italy today
  • in Venice, Italy today

  • iBecks
    Oct 26, 03:10 AM
    Does anyone know if KRCS in Nottingham will be taking part in the launch?

    I've tried calling them but there is no answer :(


    pictures of venice italy today. in Venice, Italy today
  • in Venice, Italy today

  • AppleNewton
    May 6, 08:25 PM
    its worked for me using wireless, just hold it down a while longer and wait until the hardware test icon shows up.

    pictures of venice italy today. in Venice, Italy today
  • in Venice, Italy today

  • swindmill
    Mar 27, 01:04 PM
    Is there a way o still get the standard Wiretap program. All I can find is WireTap Pro, which costs $20


    pictures of venice italy today. IN VENICE, ITALY TODAY!

  • SactoGuy18
    Apr 8, 06:48 AM
    While I welcome these bug fixes, do I really have to endure 600+ megabyte downloads just to have them installed? :rolleyes: That's what I went through with my 4G iPod touch and iPad 2 when iOS 4.3.1 came out.

    I really hope that the upcoming iOS 5.0 will allow for incremental upgrades so you don't have to do such big downloads anymore in the future.

    pictures of venice italy today. in Venice, Italy today
  • in Venice, Italy today

  • HarryPot
    May 5, 10:15 AM
    But lives could be saved if we did tests on them, probably 100's of thousands of lives.

    Isn't your point that the ends justify the means? If we torture people we might be able to obtain information and save lives? Well if saving lives is the goal we should be testing drugs and experimental procedures on criminals after all it will save lives.

    Should we torture criminals we catch (in this country) until they inform on other criminals they know? After all it might save lives.

    We can keep going in circles. I think you do get what I mean with the "medical testing" thing.

    Again, you are taking one sentence I said and ignoring the rest. I also said that each case needs to be analyzed individually at the end. Hence the people who are part of the police/army/intelligence agencies/etc need to be intelligent and sensible people.

    pictures of venice italy today. in Venice, Italy today
  • in Venice, Italy today

  • nosen
    Sep 26, 09:04 PM

    now lets get ready for the barrage of people saying .mac is a ripoff, etc. :rolleyes:

    Has anyone had a close look at the main picture on Apple's preview page? The sender of the email in the top pane is 'Katie Lorenzo' but in the preview pane her name is 'Amy Lorenzo'. Also, the delivery time is out by almost an hour.

    maybe this means merom MBP's tomorrow? :confused: ;)

    Apr 24, 11:38 PM
    A disgrace on so many levels.

    Reason it isn't a disgrace: The white enclosure apparently was causing trouble with the camera due to light leakage. You would most likely be calling that disgraceful if they had indeed released a 500$ phone with that rather huge flaw, so I guess they can't win.

    Apr 25, 12:36 AM
    I'm not buying another iPhone until it's got 4G. And when I get one, I'll get a black one too ;).

    Jan 11, 12:26 AM
    I just got a 2.8 i7 Quad Core iMac, and I wouldn't mind helping out if someone would outline the steps for me. I already installed seti@home, but the application is only using one core, which really bugs me. I wont be able to dedicate my machine 24/7, but on the down time, or when I leave the room I wouldn't mind leaving it on.

    thanks! your iMac should fold nicely. start here ( at our own folding FAQ.

    basically, there are 2 types of folding clients: a console (terminal) and one that runs in system preferences. most people here run the console client, mainly b/c you have more control.

    are you familiar with running things in terminal? if so, all you do is download the client, extract it, move into that folder, and start the script with some options. here would be an example for you:

    fah -smp 8 -advmethods -verbosity 9 -local

    and you can stop that when you want by typing control+c.

    please let us know if you have any other questions

    Mr. Retrofire
    Nov 11, 04:40 PM
    I think they will use the new 256-Bit advanced vector extensions (256-Bit AVX) of the Sandy Bridge processors. It makes sense, because GPU-based solutions like Badaboom do not reach the same quality as CPU-based solutions. The AVX are ideal for video codecs, filters an so on.

    Yeah, that means we will see new Pro hardware from Apple "early next year". And no, you will not see LP in Macs until 2015.


    Mar 23, 10:44 AM
    Wasn't it Jean-Marie Hullot who created Xcode and Interface Builder?

    A coworker tells me Bertrand wrote Interface Builder as part of his thesis before being hired at NeXT - imagine where Mac and iOS development would be today without him!

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