Wednesday, June 1, 2011

bryan clay

bryan clay. SC 2010 Bryan Clay PE
  • SC 2010 Bryan Clay PE

  • manu chao
    Apr 4, 11:22 AM
    Thank you, Apple, for weeding out the companies whose business model depends on selling my information to junk-mailers.

    This is the kind of 'crazy-Steve-Jobs-control' I can live with.
    How hard is it to uncheck these two boxes?

    And other publications, like The Economist, already come with the equivalent boxes unchecked by default.

    bryan clay. American Bryan Clay vai for
  • American Bryan Clay vai for

  • SESpy
    Oct 10, 12:57 PM

    is this snow leopard? I tried once when snow leopard was fresh out and I messed up my mac. Can I do this now on my 10.6.4? sorry for the off-topic :) don't flame me :D

    bryan clay. Bryan Clay; encouraging words
  • Bryan Clay; encouraging words

  • hayesk
    Mar 31, 09:11 PM
    Wow, all the tablet haters here continue to live in the past and nothing will change?

    All of these complaints can be rectified:

    - A company has already demoed a pressure sensitive iPad stylus, but can't release it due to it using hidden APIs. In other words, it's possible.

    - Colour correction is trivial to add. I wouldn't be surprised to see it in a future version of iOS

    - No you can't process 30MB RAW files on an iPad 2, but why not an iPad 5?

    You haters sound awfully threatened that someone's going to take your Mac away. You also seem to think the APIs and specs of iPads are locked now forever.

    For people stuck in the past, I would think you'd have notice that the current iPad has specs exceeding Macs of just ten years ago. Funny how there have been people doing professional work with Macs more than ten years ago. Did amnesia set in since then? Are you all too old and your memory is going?

    There's nothing described in this thread that I can't see happening with a tablet. Combine this with the fact that lots of people want to work in various places where even a laptop is cumbersome, and it's pretty easy to see that pros will embrace the iPad. It's coming people; accept it or get left behind.

    bryan clay. Bryan Clay#39;s Athletic Shoe
  • Bryan Clay#39;s Athletic Shoe

  • mikw4
    Nov 16, 06:01 PM
    Is there anything available for the ipod touch that will let me transfer/view/save pictures off my digital camera? Something like what is available for the ipad? Apple Ipad Camera Connector ( Or will that work with the touch? Thanks.


    bryan clay. SC 2010 Bryan Clay Edition
  • SC 2010 Bryan Clay Edition

  • Platform
    Oct 7, 01:19 AM
    Great, Safari needed new features, and it needs even more :D

    bryan clay. Zimmerman w/ Bryan Clay
  • Zimmerman w/ Bryan Clay

  • TMay
    Nov 11, 10:33 AM
    Given the length of the original message and the terseness of Jobs' reply, it suggests that either he doesn't give a crap, or the iPad's virtual keyboard is a bit pants to type on.

    All of his email responses are terse. Verbose is a bad thing if you are an executive, and frankly, people should strive for terse in business anyway.

    Reminds me of an anecdote that I read of Tim Cook. In a meeting of Apple managers, he explained that there was a problem in one of the Chinese assemblies houses. A few minutes later, he looked at the engineer/manager and asked "Why are you still here?".


    bryan clay. Trainer SC 2010 Bryan Clay
  • Trainer SC 2010 Bryan Clay

  • Corpus_Callosum
    Nov 22, 08:50 PM
    just to clear something up. This right now appears to be a text-based phone. I don't think Wu is talking about iChat AV functionality. Some other sites (of much, much less accuracy) have been claiming that the iPhone would be able to do videoconferencing and whatnot, but currently there isn't any good evidence to support this, and in my opinion it doesn't look like current 3G GSM cellular networks simply don't have the duplex bandwidth to deliver that kind of content. (and 4G is still a ways off)

    Apple would not try to deliver iChatAV video conferencing services over 3G (or any other cellular network). It's a ridiculous idea. However, having iChatAV capability over WiFi is totally doable and completely within the realm of possibility. Apple would be retarded not to have a camera and WiFi on their new phone, mostly because it would represent a step backwards from current state of the art cellular phones.

    So, what is the real issue? If they have WiFi capability and have a camera, all they need is the horsepower to encode and decode H.264 and iChatAV on the iPhone becomes a reality. While H.264 is a demanding codec, there already exists hardware encoders/decoders in the wild. This is the stopping point. If Apple includes silicon that can handle H.264, iPhone will do AV conferencing ala iChatAV. My own personal belief is that this one feature is the primary differentiator that Apple is going to leverage to gain traction in the mobile market. While everyone else is yakking and texting, iPhone users are holding their phones up to show their friends what they are seeing, watching iTunes movies and listening to iTunes music. A true lifestyle change as is the Apple way.

    You can speculate all you want, but until you realize that Steve Jobs isn't going to enter a market that he can't shatter preconceived notions in, you aren't going to understand Apple's modus opperandi.

    I also believe that this will be sold in Apple stores and not through carriers. There are two reasons for this:

    (1) Apple will be selling a WiFi digital lifestyle device as the iPhone's primary role (e.g. if you are within range of usable WiFi, it will perform all functions through WiFi, including VOIP) and only use cellular networks as a fallback condition when WiFi is not available, crippling many features of the iPhone. Carriers are not going to be happy about this and would have no incentive to carry such a device as it represents a competitive threat. But don't let that alarm you, you should be able to slip any normal SIM card into the iPhone and make use of your existing carrier. Just don't expect to be subsidized - Apple doesn't tend to market to cheap consumers anyhow, they won't be worried about starting out with a non-subsidized and reasonably expensive phone. People will pay for this advancement and prices will go down over time.

    (2) Apple will promote direct purchasing of video and audio content from iTunes using the device when on a WiFi network. This direct sales approach is also a threat to the carriers who want a piece of the action and demand much higher price/margins on digital content ($2 for a ringtone anyone?)

    This all seems pretty obvious to me.

    bryan clay. Bryan Clay i sjukampens 60
  • Bryan Clay i sjukampens 60

  • Dany M
    Jun 21, 07:09 PM
    You want it to be hip and in right? ya, want it to scream cool beans when someone sees it right? :p

    It's a case, whatever is fine


    bryan clay. decathlete Bryan Clay at
  • decathlete Bryan Clay at

  • jav6454
    Feb 7, 02:44 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3)

    @ ORANGESVTGUY: please lower your folding output, you'll be overtaking me within the next 5 days... (GRMBL!! And some censored cursing: $@&#^%!!!!)

    If I am not mistaken, the Macross should be (or already did) finishing a -bigadv unit bringing me into the 1 Million point range... *FINALLY*

    bryan clay. Bryan Clay Scheduled to
  • Bryan Clay Scheduled to

  • bartelby
    Nov 29, 05:21 AM
    Anyone out there want a free Apple Stylewriter 2400?

    Boxed (box is a bit battered) with power lead, serial cable and a couple of ink cartridges.

    I'll pay half the P&P costs.


    bryan clay. Bryan Clay holds his son Jacob
  • Bryan Clay holds his son Jacob

  • steadysignal
    Apr 7, 02:10 PM

    Don't know about the touchscreen - will miss the knob and trackball... :eek:


    mostly meh.

    bryan clay. Bryan Clay with Raquel
  • Bryan Clay with Raquel

  • OrangeSVTguy
    Mar 6, 07:02 PM
    Here's the Intels hexacore stock heatsink.


    bryan clay. Home | ryan clay
  • Home | ryan clay

  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 21, 04:06 PM
    You are missing it arn't you. When people do a graph to compare smart phone OSs they do not take the graph and account tablets, MP3 players or tvs they only count the items that are sold as phones.

    I often do see apple users making comparisons to android such as "Androids have worst battery life." which is a broad comparison to it. It is also not true. The Atrix now holds the title as the longest lasting smart phone OS.

    Why would you ever make a comparison like that? That's like comparing "laptop OS" versus "desktop OS". They're the same thing. Doesn't make a difference what device it's on, it's still the same OS. Is is that tough for you to understand?

    Give me ONE compelling reason why you would ever compare just the phones segment.

    bryan clay. Mmm, Bryan Clay does indeed
  • Mmm, Bryan Clay does indeed

  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 27, 12:39 PM
    Not gettin' it: people are afraid of THE GOVERNMENT getting the data, through whatever means. Most people don't give 2 craps about specifically Apple having the data.


    bryan clay. Bryan Clay Men#39;s Training
  • Bryan Clay Men#39;s Training

  • AndrewR23
    Apr 8, 01:05 AM
    Is there any way for me to change the "a" in my name to a capital A? Please mods? It bothers me :rolleyes:

    bryan clay. Olympic Gold Medalist Bryan Clay made an appearance at the Republican National Convention (RNC). The half Japanese-American, half African-American will also
  • Olympic Gold Medalist Bryan Clay made an appearance at the Republican National Convention (RNC). The half Japanese-American, half African-American will also

  • toddybody
    Mar 23, 02:28 PM
    Fail :)

    Why hate on w7 so much? It's actually a great OS IMO. For the record, ive seen just as many spinning color wheels as i have perpetual sand glasses:p Stay well friend!


    bryan clay. with Bryan Clay (pictured)
  • with Bryan Clay (pictured)

  • Sydde
    May 5, 07:10 PM
    Japan was the one who attacked first, without any real reason behind.
    Fine way to shoot a big hole in your credibility. Learn a little about the lead up to the war before making uninformed assertions like this.

    bryan clay. Raquel Zimmermann e Bryan Clay
  • Raquel Zimmermann e Bryan Clay

  • Laird Knox
    Apr 7, 12:08 AM
    Here. I always like the home cloud concept, where you get your own personal server and can transfer data/sync through the cloud. So you own your data instead of trusting it to someone else.

    I'm moving in the opposite direction. I ran my own server for years. Now my web site resides on App Engine and my data will be backed up off site. Much less hastle than before.

    bryan clay. Bryan Clay Hero Photo credit
  • Bryan Clay Hero Photo credit

  • quagmire
    Oct 10, 06:07 PM
    I changed my desktop again with a picture from the air show I went to today.

    Mar 21, 09:06 PM
    gosh i can remember not that many years ago.. before i had established clients... rent would be due the next day and i was $100 short... then the phone rings with some new low budget client... i tell ya, those problematic and low-budget clients save the day now and again.

    until you get established and can reliably and predictably pay the bills each month, be careful which projects you walk away from. once you get going, build up a supply of cash-money, enough to get you through a few bad months.

    alot of people here may be established and have good and reliable income, and some may have been substantially profitable from day one, but im sure many of us can remember the early days and the lean days, when you might have taken a client you would never touch nowadays.

    always make certain you can pay the bills each month, sometimes that means you have to deal with a knucklehead, or get paid substantially less than what you want, and if it turns out that you have to do just that, don't think less of yourself for it, the lean days will pass, the good days will come. many of us have been there and back, more than once.

    be honorable, fair, charitable. in your spare time build websites, etc for people/groups who need them. ie, independent homeless shelters for runaway kids. add it to your portfolio if you need to, especially when your starting out.

    Apr 4, 01:13 PM
    thank you, apple, for weeding out the companies whose business model depends on selling my information to junk-mailers.

    This is the kind of 'crazy-steve-jobs-control' i can live with.


    Mar 19, 01:22 PM
    The military can execute a criminal for rape or desertion. Treason is also a capital offense. None of these things involve killing a person, and desertion and treason might not involve any physical harm at all.

    At any rate, you're still being very selective in your arguments. In the OP I laid out a series of reasons why the death penalty should be abandoned, and have only addressed one or two of them, and unconvincingly at that. Additionally, you have failed to make a convincing argument why life imprisonment without parole is not a sufficient punishment for the worst crimes.

    The only thing you mentioned in the op is cost, which i already addressed. And as i said, i don't support capital punishment for crimes like rape, desertion, or treason. Actually, child rape is death penalty worthy. Either way though, I'm really not trying to prove anything, I'm just stating my opinion that i support the current laws regarding that. You on the other hand are trying to prove that the death penalty is wrong, and as of now I don't think you've proven your point.

    Sep 29, 10:05 AM
    I know it's a pain, but if you sit through the .mac seminar at an apple store, they offer it to both new and existing customers for $69. That's what I've done for the past two years.

    Feb 22, 02:46 PM

    Does anyone have any large high quality/resolution images? that i can use, of these devices for a presentation:

    iPhone 4
    iPod Touch 4G

    Would really appreciate the help! ;)


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